
In the course of realizing the overall objectives of ETH World the work place ETH Zurich will change its crucial characteristics for various actors (students, lecturers, researchers, administrative and service agents, etc.). These changes will have an impact on organizational, technological as well as social aspects of universitary work. In this change process a variety of objectives are at stake: e.g., the linkage between the physical and the virtual campus, innovative teaching-learning environments, intensification of interdisciplinary cooperation, cooperation with external stakeholders, border crossing forums for knowledge transfer, etc. 

A formative evalution will be essential to contribute to the utmost dissemination and involvement with respect to various actors at ETHZ and to provide a feedback on the fulfillment of the specific target areas. The structure of ETH World calls both for the application of well-known and for the development of innovative evaluation instruments. This is why metalogue is also conceptualized as a plattform for innovative network-oriented evaluation methodologies.

In the research fields of psychology in general and particularly in work psychology there is a long tradition with regard to the analysis and evaluation of work tasks, work places, technologies on the one hand and the understanding of organizational change on the other hand. With regard to ETH World metalogue will provide a forum for coordinating feedback-processes with respect to local experiences in various work settings. By integrating a broad variety of actors - including actors that have not been directly involved in ETH World so far - various perspectives will be taken into account. The initiation of a metalogue on ETH World will help to mediate the developmental processes and to foster the community building activities in ETH World.